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Midwives | Birth in hospital with your own midwife

An elective midwife is there just for you throughout the birth. An elective midwife birth in hospital is a good opportunity to take advantage of both the personal 1:1 care provided by your own midwife and the hospital setting with all its possibilities.

Foto Hebamme mit Baby am WickeltischIn some hospitals (in Vienna: Klinik Floridsdorf - the former “Krankenhaus Nord”, AKH, St. Josef Krankenhaus and the private hospitals Goldenes Kreuz, Privatklinik Döbling, Rudolfinerhaus; all hospitals in Lower Austria: Korneuburg, Klosterneuburg, Mödling etc.) it is possible to be cared for by a midwife of choice. 

The woman or couple and the midwife or midwife team meet in early pregnancy to get to know each other and agree on a care plan. From this point onwards, the midwife is available for “her” women/couples if they have any questions or concerns. Further meetings during the pregnancy serve to build up a relationship of trust and prepare for the birth and the first period afterwards. The midwife is on call around the clock from three weeks before the expected date of birth for up to five weeks.

Birth support often begins at home. The family and midwife decide together when it is best to go to hospital. The midwife attends the birth independently. She can use all of the hospital's infrastructure and is integrated into the team to such an extent that she can provide support at any time if required.
She looks after the family until they are discharged from the delivery room. After discharge from hospital, the elective midwife takes over the postnatal care at home.

Birth attendance in hospital by elective midwives is a private service that is not reimbursed by the health insurance company. The costs for elective midwife births (including on-call service) amount to approximately € 1,800-1,900. In private hospitals, there are additional costs for the hospital, private doctor, etc.

Studies show that 1:1 care by a trusted specialist significantly helps to reduce intervention rates and increase family satisfaction.

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